Branch News – Two new branches formed

NT (Northern Territory) branch
The NT branch voted to form on 1 July and is now officially endorsed as a new branch! The ANBA welcomes this new branch and thanks the efforts of Chair David Shea, Secretary Sherronna Nowland, Treasurer David Sutcliffe and Glenn Lang. Read more in the last Cross-Pollinator.
From Sherronna Nowland,
Facebook page,

Hunter Branch
A MASSIVE congratulation to our 10th branch, based in the Hunter region of NSW.
Local native bee enthusiasts and proponents of a new local branch met on 4th July 2023 at the Lake Macquarie Land-care and Sustainable Living Centre, umali baraiku, and voted to form a branch. The required minimum number of 5 members was exceeded. They then elected a committee to run the branch:
Chair: Ben Fitzpatrick
Treasurer: Greg Lloyd
Event Co-ordinator: Roslyn Williams
Membership Officer: Diane Call
Representative to ANBA Management Committee: Sophie Poole

The branch was then approved by the Management Committee of the ANBA.
There are about 100 members of the ANBA with addresses in the Hunter, and more still in close proximity to the north and south. We encourage members who wish to be affiliated with this branch to consider changing their affiliation to the Hunter Branch. You can do this yourself by logging into your profile at or by contacting the ANBA Membership Officer (Ian Driver – who can do it for you.

The branch committee met for their inaugural committee meeting on 7th August 2023 has got to work on event planning and a range of administrative tasks. Upcoming branch events likely include (note: dates are indicative):
Seminar on ANBA’s Varroa Response (5 September)
Stallholder at the Living Smart Festival (16-17 September)
Seminar on hive design (3 October)
Workshop on native bees in horticulture (23 November)
Workshop on hive splitting (25 November)
Sausage sizzle to raise branch funds (To be determined)

Northern Rivers NSW
Mark Payne, from Terranora, is gauging interest in a Tweed region or Far North Coast of NSW branch of the Australian Native Bee Association. We need a few people to help make it happen. Contact Mark by email, or phone, 0447381985.

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