Rockhampton Branch May 2022

Rockhampton Branch News
ANBA Rockhampton Branch met on the 14th of May at 9 – 11 am at Norman Gardens. 14 Members and 1 Guest attended. The branch dis-cussed recent events in the native bee world followed by a demonstration of native bee hive designs and methods.

Lloyd reported on a recent meeting of the ANBA Management Committee.
ANBA Rockhampton Branch has been invited by the Fitzroy Regional Beekeepers Association Inc. to take part in their bee keeping display at this years Rockhampton Agricultural Show, 8-10 June 2022. A great chance to fly the ANBA flag and also display some native bee products.
Marg Barry passed on a request from Jeff Mercer to supply a hive to his Eco Village on Great Keppel Island.

The RNA Show in August will be hosting a native bee HONEY Competition. Entry fee is $3. Lloyd can supply empty vials for honey samples.
Lloyd displayed designs for traps for various native bee pests.
Lloyd displayed a honey filter made of Swiss Voile from Spotlight.
Theo Serfontein provided one of his vertical split boxes.
Dave Goodsall opened one of his eduction hives which was of great interest to members.
Dave then showed members his very interesting Aquaponic installation.
Next Meeting TBA, probably in Yeppoon in late August.
Many thanks to Lloyd Younger for chairing the meeting and Dave Goodsall for hosting.
From Murray Smith and Lloyd Younger