Mid North Coast October 2022

We held a productive meeting of our branch at Laurieton on 6 Oct. The issues discussed included :
• Decision to open a bank account which will require two signatories to make transactions.
• A new meeting location was identified which may be more convenient to our members. Rotary Youth Hall at Wauchope’s Bain Park was suggested, being centrally located with plenty of parking and minimal cost ($11 per hour to non-profit organizations). We decided to give this a try as from our first meeting in 2023, namely 2nd February. Joan was authorized to make this booking.
• Dates and locations for upcoming branch meetings, events and workshops.
• We discussed the upcoming Camden Haven & Comboyne Shows with the Branch intending to participate with an information stall. The former is likely to be cancelled due to ground conditions we will keep abreast of the developing situation.
• Following a discussion on grants, Di has been tasked to investigate further.
• We discussed the potential role of the branch in hosting hives that need to be moved out of red zones.
From Diane Norris

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