Message from the Management Committee – August 2021

Members should have received a hardcopy of the ANBA Annual mailed to your address by the end of August.

The 60-page full colour publication contains the top articles of last year’s Cross-Pollinator, plus an account of our activities and reports from branches. If you did not, and you want one, then let us know,

Members who have not renewed for this year lapse on 26 Aug and will no longer receive any benefits. Equally importantly, you will not be contributing to our efforts to promote and conserve native bees and to advocate on behalf of our members. You can easily re-join by responding to the email to pay your invoice. We look forward to seeing you back. You will then still continue to receive the Cross-Pollinator, continue to have access to our insurance at events, get discounts on events, especially the 3rd Australian Native Bee Conference in Sydney in June 2022.

The results of Honey name poll are out! See page 11.
Our branches are the winners of a grant to buy equipment, read more p 11.

Warm regards from the Management Committee: Tim, Dan, Ian, Peter, Lachlan, Steve, Kit, Toby, Dean, Diane, Martin, Mark, Monica, Neil and Tony

News & Notices