Gladstone Branch Feb 2022

Our committee group met for our first 2022 meeting Sat 12th Feb at the Coffee Club.

The main focus for this meeting was to discuss how we might proceed in 2022 in the interest of retaining our members, we are seeking ideas from our members for future workshops and activities. We decided to hold a social get together first up which is planned for Sat 26th March at 37 Silverton Drive for morning tea and sharing of ideas. Hopefully we will also have some practical activity with a couple of hives in need of attention.

Meeting at Coffee Club

Last month I mentioned one of my rescue hives from just over three years ago that in the short time since I have now propagated 8 very healthy hives. Hard to believe they all started from what was a busted-up log on the ground with the brood exposed to the elements which I literally gathered up in a bag and took home. This was a true rescue and my very first successful one. Each one of those hives I split was extremely healthy and absolutely full of stores and I have no doubt they will recover in good time for the next season

The best part of this propagation exercise is that five of these hives now have new homes where those not so fortunate are able to enjoy them and benefit from them as pollinators in their own gardens

Rescue 14th June 2018
One of the recent splits

On Sunday 13th just in time for Valentines Day I had the pleasure of introducing one of our members Karmen to the bee world with her very own hive. Karmen has been caring for the mother hive since back in November and preparing her very colorful new hive with some help from grandchildren ready for the big day. It just happened to be one of those 8 hives mentioned earlier so am very confident it will settle in at its new home. I also used the splitting of this hive as a demonstration for another potential new member Caroline who literally caught the “beee bug” as the escaped bees found her long hair very attractive. Might have to wear a hair net next time Caroline.

Splitting hive for Karmen

For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch,
Ian Anderson

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