Sydney Branch News February 2021

Sydney Native Bee Community

From SNBC Coordinators Natalie Er, Michelle Carrick, Sam Higgins, Bradley Muffett, Francisco Garcia Bulle Bueno, Eilis Teresa, Isaac Mayer, Dan Smailes.

Into the Bush: In search for local Metallic Carpenter Bees and learning about their natural habitat, nesting site preferences, foraging and mating behaviour. A sneak peek at our 1st Summer ‘walk & talk’ session, a hands on education and conservation effort with the SNBC 2021 Committee. Would you like join us next time? We will be hosting more of these small group sessions throughout Summer, for any of our local Sydney members of ANBA! Please email

There are 2 known species of Metallic Carpenter Bees within Australia: Xylocopa (Lestis) aerata & Xylocopa (Lestis) bombylans. Both naturally occur in the conservation areas surrounding Sydney, and through the Great Dividing Range in New South Wales.

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