Rockhampton Branch News September 2021

Rockhampton branch held our Annual General Meeting on 4 Sep at Paul Ashton’s residence, German Street, Norman Gardens.

Present: Paul Ashton, Murray Smith, Tony Madden, Phil Mckone, Jan Aust, Eddy Holley, Martin Schick, Lloyd Younger, Les Rigby, Wayne Couper, Bill Dittman and Dan Coughlan. Apologies: Dave Goodsall
Tribute: Chairman Martin Schick paid a tribute to our late member, Reg Cash, who passed away recently.
Martin gave his annual report.

Election Of 2021/2022 Office Bearers was held:
Branch Chairperson. Lloyd Younger was elected on a motion moved by Murray Smith and seconded by Les Rigby.
Branch Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Smith was elected on a motion moved by b Tony Madden and seconded by Paul Ashton.

State Branch Representative: Lloyd Younger was elected on a motion moved by Dan Coughlan and seconded by Phil Mokone.

Martin Schick passed the chair to Lloyd Younger for General Business:
Lloyd, Les and Phil reported on meeting with Rockhampton Regional Council regarding RRC By Laws and native bees. Concluded that more has to be done to have RRC understand the difference between native bees and European bees. It seems that Livingstone Shire Council under-stands the difference and is amending its bylaws.
Phil agreed to draft an email template of objection for each member to send to RRC Mayor.
Lloyd to contact Tim Heard re a telephone interview with ABC Capricornia to put more pressure on RRC. Martin to arrange with ABC Capricornia.

Some discussion on Agfutures strategic plan in relation to native bees and pollination.
A vote of thanks was extended to Martin for his chairman-ship and support over the last three years
Lloyd moved a vote of thanks to Paul and Joy Ashton for their hospitality.
Next Meeting scheduled for February 2022.

From Murray Smith
The Management committee of ANBA would like to thank Martin Schlick for his two years as Chair of the Rockhampton branch. This branch was the first to form in Aug 2019 after Brisbane and Martin was its inaugural chair. He has organised events, corresponded news, attended meetings of the branch executive and the ANBA Management Committee. Thank you, Martin, for your service to the native bee community. We welcome Lloyd into the role.