Rockhampton Branch – March 2024

Our February ANBA Rockhampton Branch Meeting was held at Rose Swadling Park, Norman Gardens. Chair Lloyd Younger welcomed the 18 members and guests and acknowledged Country.

Branch equipment update
Thanks to the national branch for funding our new 3 x 3 m marquee with Rockhampton branding, and to our treasurer Rob Peach for organising the purchase and delivery. This will be used as soon as next month! We are awaiting the outcome of the latest grant application request for a laptop & monitor and intend to submit requests in the next round in September 2024. The branch still needs other items to support plans for further community engagement & education, including display hives, posters, model of predators, solitary bee identification board, bee-friendly plants.

Marg is currently getting quotes for branch shirts with the Rockhampton branch logo. Following up on Murray’s idea of branded merchandise, Rob & Lloyd presented some samples of various items such as business cards, mugs, stickers, etc., the purchase and future sale of which were well-received by members at the meeting.

Local plant list for social and solitary native bees
As a starting point to the publication of a member-created, local list of social & solitary native bee-friendly plants, members are asked to post their photos and information on the ANBA Rockhampton branch Community Noticeboard CQ flowers bees love:
Alternatively email this information to Marg who will collate.
We are all keen for this information and want it published in a small field guide format similar to Birds Australia CQ, Coastal plants of CQ, Weeds of CQ.

Progress with Rockhampton Regional Council By-Laws re native bees:
Lloyd recounted the advocacy undertaken over several years to amend the bylaws which has led to a change to allow for UNLIMITED numbers of native stingless bee hives in the shire. He thanked every member, friend, contact, etc. who signed petitions, attended meetings, made a Have Your Say submission and got involved in educational activities such as expos and workshops for the public. Two important points were made by Lloyd: there is a great need for further public education about native stingless bees; the use of the word CLOUD should replace SWARM in the language used to discuss mating and takeover activities. We will thank Minister O’Rourke and Councilor Latcham once we have merchandise and Certificates of Appreciation. Thanks Lloyd Younger for his diplomatic and effective advocacy over many years and thanked Les Rigby for also providing representation at RRC meetings. Time to celebrate!

Other items
Les informed members about the Yeppoon and Rockhampton shows coming up in May and June. The branch can showcase native bees at both these events and targeting 12–14-year-old age groups as well as adults. Volunteers are needed
Lloyd has spoken to Dreamtime Centre representative Rose Malone, with an offer to display an ANBA Rocky branch foster hive at the venue. She has accepted the offer in kind. GKI Hideaway Resort has also requested support from ANBA Rockhampton branch for a hive.
One branch position, Events coordinator, needs to be filled, volunteer please.
Members shared varying experiences of best times to split hives with factors such as location, and the presence of Torelliana [Cadaghi] affecting times and outcomes.

From Marg Barry, Secretary / Treasurer,
or Lloyd [email; mobile 0437727657].

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