Our last branch meeting was held on 5 February 2022 at Wayne and Colleen Couper’s home in Norman Gardens.
Lloyd Younger chaired, and the 17 members and 3 guests who attended were treated to demonstrations, presentations and discussions, including:
• Our guest Emily Willis from St Ursulas College was introduced by Marg Barry. Emily explained that she was coordinating an Ecology Group of students. The students have several native bee hives and are going to establish a bee friendly flower garden. Some of our members offered to advise and assist
• A lively discussion was had on hive design, vertical vs horizontal splitting methods and timber used.
• Chairman Lloyd reported on the several Zoom meetings he has had with fellow Branch Representatives.
• Lloyd reported that several members manned a display at the recent Bushfire Recovery Day in Yeppoon.
• The attendees then reviewed unusual and unique hive designs displayed by some members.
• Wayne Couper demonstrated a normal split on one of his OATH hives
NEXT MEETING will be in May at Dave Goodsal’s place. Date TBA
From Murray Smith