Rockhampton Branch – August 2023

The Rockhampton branch has been very busy these past few months, having held a branch meeting, the AGM and several community engagement events. We thank members for their support in re-electing the current committee, and Rob Peach for being our inaugural Treasurer, after having opened a branch bank account.

Advocacy for an amendment to local council by-laws to better support the protection of native bees continues. Rockhampton Regional Councillor Shane Latcham has tabled a petition organised by Lloyd, and supported via zoom meeting by Dr Tim Heard and hundreds of local petition signatures.

Locally, members have been out and about in the community sharing their knowledge and experience about native bees. In what has become an annual event, Murray, Dave and Tony were welcomed back to St Ursula’s College Yeppoon to demonstrate how to split a hive. It was a great learning experience for staff and students when it was revealed that the hive was mostly full of pollen, so students got to see a working hive briefly instead.

The Rockhampton Agricultural show was held recently. Members were kept busy across the three days with a huge public interest in the ANBA display arranged by Lloyd. People were keen to ask questions, dispel myths and share their own passion for native bees in many cases. Thanks to John and Nanette from the Gladstone branch for joining us and to the Fitzroy Regional Bee Keepers Association for inviting us to share their space.

ANBA Rocky branch members Lloyd and Dan entered the annual EKKA native honey competition, the results of which are out now, and Lloyd won 4th place in the hockingsi category (see page 3).
Planning is in full swing for our one-day workshop on Sun-day 3 September 2023 at Central Queensland University with Dr Tim Heard, which is fully booked!

Practical sessions are always popular at meetings and attendees generously share ideas and experiences. Demonstrations and discussions have included using vacuum cleaners for rescues/hive splits, weather patterns and bee behaviour, and inducting hives [widely varying in terms of success]. We particularly thank Paul and Joy Ash-ton for welcoming us into their beautiful bee-friendly gar-dens for our August meeting.
From Marg Barry, Secretary / Treasurer,

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