NT Branch – September 2023

We met on Monday 4th of September for our second meeting as the newly formed NT Branch. Momentum is beginning to build, and we have just registered for our first branch event – the NT Caladium Festival 2023, which is scheduled for 18th and 19th of November.
Thank you to all of our members who have been hands-on in planning and preparing for this, including Janelle for driving the initiative,
Barry who has provided detailed notes on our local stingless bee species, which can be provided to the public, Glenn for offering to make an A-frame stand for promotion of the Australian Native Bee Association NT branch and everyone that has offered their time to volunteer on the stall.

Our members are in the process of arranging working with children clearance certificates and we have also been keeping an
eye on community grants that will assist us to obtain some branded resources such as a marquee and table cloth.

During our September meeting, Glenn and David brought in their bee vacuums to show to the group. Both members talked about their designs and the benefits of the vacuum.

David asked for a volunteer to complete a rescue in a termite pump up pit. Sherronna and Wes offered to assist, and the rescue was completed on Saturday 9th.
The bees have adjusted well to their new hive and are happily foraging in the garden.
From Sherronna Nowland

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