As advertised, our Gladstone Branch held our AGM on Sunday 4th September 10am at the Tondoon Botanic Gardens. Our financial report was tabled, including a list of assets. Our Executive members were elected:
Chairman – Mark Larney
Secretary / Treasurer – Ian Anderson
Event Coordinator – Nanette Collingwood / Karmen Cov-erdale
ANBA Branch Representative – John Starr
Congratulation to all the committee on their respective appointments.
The AGM was followed by morning tea and some general discussion including possibilities for future outings.
Potential meeting / workshop at residence of intending new member Wayne Piper.
Tondoon Botanic Gardens school holiday activity for kids painting bee boxes for future propagation with bees for the gardens.
National Pollination week 12 to 20 Nov at Tondoon Gardens .
Quoin Island visit with CQU 2nd Nov.
Water Meter Rescues: We currently have 6 hives in need of rescue once favorable conditions are back. We discussed how we manage water meter rescues and what we do with them once recued and viable. Also discussed how new boxes should be prepared for introduction of bees to which point Nanette tabled a draft document she has produced dealing with how to prepare a box for bees. Doug and Nanette will work on this document for presentation at our next meeting preferably before we start to rescue hives. We will also involve members in hive rescues to increase individual learning.
Mens Shed boxes: Some ongoing concerns raised about the standard of these boxes and how to prepare them for introducing bees to give the hives the best chance of survival. Action: Ian to arrange a suitable time with the Men’s Shed and Doug to both demonstrate the required standard and ensure an acceptable design
Seems like everybody have been “busy bees” getting hives ready for the coming season as the weather starts to warm up and activity is increasing. Seems like the bees are taking every opportunity to get out and replenish their pantries after the long cold spell. A couple of example included:
Kerry Hughes’ photo of native bees on flowering shallot
While at Agnes Water / 1770 for some marine debris monitoring I came across the Hibbertia flowering in Joseph Banks Park with lots of bees foraging.
Whilst I was out with GRC recently doing some bird nest box installations, well observing anyway, I came across bees collecting resin from some recently cut down pep-per trees. Despite pepper trees being an invasive species they are still a valuable source for our bees. An added bonus: Ian from Luke’s Tree Services who was doing the installations now has us as a contact for any rescue hives he finds as part of his work.
Water meter hive rescues: As the weather is starting to be more friendly, we are starting to look at the water meter rescues and members are getting their boxes ready for a possible transfer. The first one was rescued and placed into a well-constructed box for a good friend and bee enthusiast Lyn. The hive was quite small with a lot of vacant space in their new home and numbers were low so I thought about getting some contractors ion to help with the building. I decided to give Dr Tim a call and seek his advice about connecting it up to another strong hive, giving them a bit of support and extra defense while I am away for a short period. With the job done we will now monitor its progress.
Branch members Dan and Scott are also keen to get their empty boxes populated in the very near future so they can get started building their families. Dans new box waiting for new tenants
From Secretary Ian Anderson and Chairman Mark Larney.
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch,