Slow start to the New Year for our group but it’s beginning to liven up and things are buzzing. At a special committee meeting called by Pres Mark on Wed 13th Jan at the Calliope Bowls Club we discussed plans for our long awaited ANBA workshop which for Covid reasons we have had to delay.
It is now full steam ahead for 13th March at the Calliope Bowls Club and will involve presentation and demonstrations by ANBA guru Tim Heard. Our flyer will be out soon to promote this event.
Next meeting: 13th February at 2pm, at Calliope. Also dis-cussed at the meeting was how we can start to get our members more involved since we have been deprived so much by to recent Covid restrictions that our bees have almost gone into hibernation. We are now planning an activity as a New Year’s welcome back meeting for our members at the residence of Gary & Marg Moore, 31 Katherine Road, Calliope. To be held Sat 13th February at 2pm. Gary & Marg have many hives in both logs and boxes which they would like to share with our group.
Another member of our group is interested in sharing his col-lection of hives and bud hives at his residence at Turkey Beach which at this stage if suitable could be a venue for an outing in April. Bruce has some very professionally designed OATH hives which he has constructed using his carpentry skills
On a personal note, about a month ago one of my very strong hives came under attack from Phorid fly (AKA Horrid Fly) but the residents seemed to be defending it valiantly and turning them away so apart from installing a couple of traps in close proximity, I decided to leave it to them. I am happy to report that they seem to have won the battle.
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch , Ian Anderson