Coffs Harbour May 2022

ANBA Coffs Harbour Branch was invited to join Coffs Bee-keeping Supplies and the Amateur Beekeepers – Mid North Coast to host a display stand at the Coffs Harbour Show from the 13th to the 15th of May.
This was a great opportunity to raise awareness of native bees and the ANBA. We displayed a variety of general informational posters on native bees and handed out leaflets on the dangers of African Tulip trees. While some people we met were aware of the negative impact of these trees, many were not. However, when they left, leaflet in hand, many assured us that they would act on their new-found knowledge, either by speaking to others, or writing to council regarding trees on reserves near their homes.

The stand included an activity table for children, where they were able to make a beeswax rolled candle. This helped to draw people in, kept the kids amused and gave us the opportunity to engage the public in conversation on the subject of bees.

The event was a great collaboration between a local business and the 2 clubs (for native and honey bees) which was well-received by the general public.
From Elaine Bean, Treasurer.

Contact Secretary Alison with any questions,, or 0417 712 957.
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Coffs Harbour Native Bees,

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