Great to see everyone (including some new faces) at Sue Muzic’s farm at Bartle Frere on Saturday 27 Nov. Thanks again to Sue and Bert for their hospitality.
- Sue showed us around the native bee hives that have established themselves around the house, shed and farm machinery. We also delved into a Telstra pit that hadn’t been opened in about 15 years. It was chocker block full of stores and it was interesting to see a sticky latex like sub-stance on one side of the cover, that Sue suspects the bees have cleaned off themselves after visiting local Jack fruit trees. Roger demonstrated how to use his home-made bee vacuum and lastly, we had a problem-solving discussion to determine why member Dave’s eduction failed and Sue’s eduction thrived.
- The date for the CCNBA AGM was allo-cated to Saturday, 2pm, February 5th at C4 Mission Beach. A reminder email will be sent out closer to this date.
(C4 stands for: Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation. Their primary focus is cassowary and environmental conservation in Mission Beach, - After the AGM, we will be looking through C4’s display centre, with the aim of CCNBA adding some type of native bee display/ information/hive to the centre in the future. We will be looking for members who would like to get involved in this project.
- Depending on time available, we may also be able to set up an eduction hive on the day.
- To those of you who are new and are non-members, we encourage you to join the ANBA (which automatically gives you membership to CCNBA) by paying mem-bership through the ANBA website:
Kind Regards
Liz Lang (Temporary secretary)
Cassowary Coast Native Bee Association Facebook page,