Brisbane branch – May 2023

Report of the May 2023 Meeting
A Walk in the Park, By Dean Haley
Brisbane ANBA branch held an outdoors session in May. Club members were escorted by club chair Dean Haley on a walk in Toohey’s forest. This complemented the re-search described by Ros Gloag in the last issue of the Cross-Pollinator. Trusty correspondent Steve Flavel captured the event and reported it on his website,

Queensland Garden Expo
The ANBA has been invited to provide a stall at the 2023 Queensland Garden Expo in Nambour from Friday 7th July to Sunday 9th July. The Brisbane Branch will not meet at our usual venue as it is unavailable on the 1st Sunday, but instead to encourage members to visit the Garden Expo and our stall there. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help on the stall will be most welcome. We already have some volunteers who have signed up, but more would be appreciated. Please contact Greg Shea if you think you might be able to help. We would also like to compile a list of people who provide native bee related goods and services in South-East Queensland, that can be provided to members of the public. If you would like to be included on that list contact Greg as above.

From Greg Shea, Secretary, ANBA Brisbane Branch
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page Brisbane Branch, Australian Native Bee Association,

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