On my recent visit to Brisbane to visit grand-kids in quite a while, I was fortunate enough that the timing coincided with the Brisbane Branch at ”The Hut” where Tim Heard gave a very enlightening presentation.
These guys are so fortunate to have access to Tim who is only too willing to share his knowledge. Now looking forward to Tim joining us here in Glad-stone on 13th March for our long awaited workshop which is fully booked. The most encouraging thing is that perhaps 75% of registrations are new potential members.
As mentioned last month we held our first group outing / meeting for the year at the residence of Gary & Marg Moore, 31 Katherine Road, Calliope on Sat 13th February. Our hosts were only too willing to share their collection of hives and their experiences particularly with eduction techniques. Such a magnificent collection in such a short space of time. We are looking forward to welcoming both Marg and Gary as ANBA members.
Visited the residence of member Bruce Noonan down at Turkey Beach to give him a hand with splitting two of his hives. The first was a colony of very feisty TH who did not take kindly to being disturbed. The box was absolutely full and the split went very well. The second one was a very beautiful hive of AA and their behavior was the total opposite, even the Queen made herself quite visible and paid no attention to our intrusion. Whilst it was a very healthy hive, we decided not to split it as there was still a lot of space in the box for expansion.
For more info on branch activities, visit our Facebook page ANBA Gladstone Branch , Ian Anderson