Cairns Branch October 2022

At the time of writing this news document after only three short months, 100 people have joined the Cairns Native Bee Association Face Book group! This shows the level of interest in native bees in our far north Queensland community.

There are two questions we find ourselves answering more than any others, “How do I get native bees into my yard?” and “How do I get rid of the native bees in my yard?” Both of these questions show that we need to raise the awareness and education of our Cairns community regarding the ethical management of native bees. We intend to address these and more issues by taking our mobile information kiosk on the road, to community fairs etc.

Dr Tim Heard and co Chair of the Cairns Branch Mandy Sapper will be interviewed by Charlie McKillop on ABC Far North Radio on Friday morning 11th November. The segment will be live on 106.7FM Cairns and available on Listen Back through the ABC Far North web-site for the week following the interview.

From: Stewart Clarke,, Chair and ANBA Rep
Cairns Native Bee Association Facebook page,

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